Restaurants, Rochells, 75th St. & Columbus Ave.
Restaurants, Columbus Circle, Beefsteak Supper in Rathskeller.
Hospital, Roosevelt, 59th St. & Columbus Ave.
Hotel Restaurant, Reilly Bros., 670 Columbus Ave.
Aeolian Co., Chickering Vertical Piano at Miss G. Lynch, 245 West 75th Street.
55th St. - 5th Ave.
Restaurants, Fifth Avenue Restaurant.
Hotel Gregorian, 42 West 35th Street.
Buildings, 813-815 Park Ave. & 75th St. N.Y.
Roosevelt Hospital, 59th St. & Columbus Ave., Interior, Clinic.
Hotel Belmont.
Mr. Oliver - 16 E. 70th St.
Church, Bethel, 25th St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves.
Hotel Plaza, Southwest Corner of 59th Street and Fifth Ave.
Delmonico's, Private Dining-Room.