Busy Fifth Avenue, near Dewey Arch
[Dewey Arch from Madison Square]
[Policemen in front of pylon of Dewey Arch]
[Entablature of Dewey Arch]
Dewey's Arch
End of Dewey's Parade
Top of Admiral Dewey Arch
Preparation for Dewey Celebration
[Street scene with photographer and festoons, Dewey Parade]
[Cart passing near arch at opening of Grant's Tomb]
[Cart passing near arch at the opening of Grant's Tomb]
[Dewey Arch.]
[Fifth Avenue below 24th Street, with Dewey Arch.]
[The Dewey Arch]
[National Bank building with horse carriages out front.]
Dewey Arch. Fifth Avenue- 23rd to 26th Street.
[Washington Square Park, looking north toward arch]