Queensboro Tunnel.
Southbound express tunnel.
Typical Pressure Tunnel Construction Shaft [Catskill System.]
Bonticou Grade Tunnel Portal and Bonticou Crag [Catskill System.]
[Constructing the McAdoo Tunnel.]
Fire Dept., Engine Co. #30, Horse Drawn Engine and Men.
Interiors, Queensboro Corp., 82nd St. and Polk Ave., Jackson Heights, L.I., Fireplace and Nook.
Office of Chief Engineers, R. Martens & Co. Inc.
Drilling and Mucking Bench [of] Lower Half of Tunnel [Catskill System.]
Rondout Pressure Tunnel Showing Partial and Total Concrete Lining [Catskill System.]
R. Martens & Co. [Proof Sheet].
Excavation for New Amsterdam Theatre 42nd St.
The Metropolitan Life Company.
St. John the Divine.
Cadillac Hotel.
[Tunnel construction.]
West Side of Fifth Ave. 57 to 58 Sts.