Spanish-American War haversack in khaki canvas with leather strap
Spanish-American War pair of spurs
Spanish-American War leather belt with buckle marked "U.S."
Spanish-American War commemorative badge
Spanish-American War double-loop ammunition belt in olive green webbing
Spanish-American War campaign hat in khaki wool felt with metal insignia, E Troop, 1st Cavalry
Cake Basket
"All American" day ensemble comprising jacket, skirt and pair of shoes
Sugar Bowl
Dinner dress in light brown cotton organdy with floral embroidery overall
Evening ensemble comprising overblouse and skirt in pink and white twill with confection beading
Hot Water Kettle with Lamp
Short summer evening dress in blue and white gingham
Folding fan of painted paper
Day ensemble: jacket and blouse in red and white striped wool, skirt in red wool
"Starry Night" evening dress with pair of evening sandals
Suit comprising jacket and skirt in heather-toned pastel tweed with yellow blouse and purse
Presentation Tray