Stores, Merit Shoe $2.50.
Merit Shoe Co.
Interior, Office of Barber Shoe.
Schrafft's 2786 Broadway, Interior, Candy Counter from Front of Store.
M.S. "Saturnia" Pier 90 North River, Interior, Models Looking in Shop Window.
Aeolian Co., 29 West 42nd Street, Window.
Aeolian Co., 29 West 42nd Street, Window Featuring Atwater Kent Radio.
417 Fifth Avenue. Selby Shoe Store
"Shooting Craps: The Game of the Street," Bootblacks and Newsboys.
W.J. Sloane, Carpets Rug & Furniture, 19th St. & Broadway.
E. R. Durkee & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Interior, Library from the Southeast Corner.
Mutual Film Co., 1600 Broadway.
Interior, Office of Shoe Co.
Empire Film Co.
Joseph J. Keyser Co., 225 West 36th St., Interior, Dress Making Factory.
Schrafft's 2131 B'way, Exterior, Store Front.
Liggett & Co.
Films, Dressler & Co. Factory. Motion Picture Machines.
315-325 East 97th St.