Portrait of Mr. Harold Bauer at the Piano.
Portrait of Mrs. Jones at the Piano.
Portrait of Frederic Lamond Making a "Duo Art Piano" Record, Mr. Woods at His Desk.
Portrait, Mr. Sevitsky at the Duo-Art Piano.
Portrait of Frederic Lamond Making a "Duo Art Piano" Record, Mr. Woods Stands Next to the Piano.
Portrait of Mr. Ernest Schilling and Children at Grand Central Palace.
[Ursula Dietrich Hollinshead at Piano with Mr. Woods.]
Portrait of Mr. Horowitz, Pianist.
Portrait, Schumann-Heinck at Home.
Pianos, Piano at Factory K, Design 3010.
Pianos, Section of Special Piano Action.
Pianos, Hardman Peck.
Hardman Peck Piano Co.
Pianos, Player Piano.