Plan for the Principal Stairs to W. Coster's House to be of Marble the Story is 13 feet high, 24 rifers 7 3/8 and 1/8 inch over
Plan of Stairs Designed for Washing Costers House, Corner of Bleecker & Thompson St to be Built of Italian Marble February 2th 1838 By Samuel Dunbar Architect & Builder, 3/4 inch to one foot
Plan for the entrance doors for the two houses on Bleecker Street
[Proposal for the Coster residence.]
[Three drawings of a building on 2nd Avenue and 8th Street.]
Rhinelander Row I
[Side elevation and front elevation for a residence.]
Rhinelander Row II
[134-136 Bleecker Street.]
"Christmas Row" - Old Dutch Houses on Grove Street, of Lafayette's time, 1947.
Amity St. Church
Rhinelander Row III
[Rowing crew in "Life".]