20 East 79th Street. .
6 East 79th Street. General exterior.
141 East 79th Street
109 East 79th Street. Residence.
109-111 East 79th Street. .
15 East 79th Street. Duncan Residence.
9 East 79th Street. Apartment building
2 East 79th Street. Isaac Fletcher residence entrance.
[East 79th Street. Residence. Interior, dining room.]
10 East 79th Street. General exterior.
219 East 79th Street. New York Public Library.
167 East 79th Street.
79 East 79th Street. Apartment building
58 East 79th Street. Residence.
129 East 79th Street. Residence, General Exterior
16 East 79th Street.
125-27 East 79th Street and 128-30 East 80th Street. 129 East 79th Street, looking south at north wall to 129 East 79th Street.
8 East 79th Street. H. Schniewind Residence, music room.
13-15 East 79th Street. Residence.
229 East 79th St. New York