226 West 72nd Street. William H. Fischer residence. Interior, billiard room
226 West 72nd Street. William H. Fischer residence, billiard room.
128 West 72nd Street
311 West 72nd Street. John S. Sutphin residence.
222-226 West 72nd Street. Three modernized brownstones
133 West 72nd Street. The Cluny.
[241-251 East 72nd Street.]
[249-251 East 72nd Street.]
West 72nd Street [?]. The Hargrave.
103 West 72nd Street. Apartment building
Riverside Drive and West 72nd Street. Dwellings.
West 72nd Street and Riverside Drive. Chatsworth Apartments.
111 West 72nd Street. Dentists' Building
West 72nd Street and Central Park West, northwest corner. Dakota Apartments
[178 and 176 East 72nd Street.]
West 72nd Street and Central Park West. Majestic Apartments. Lower stories
211 E. 72nd Street
[Park Avenue and East 72nd Street.]
West 72nd Street and West End Avenue, northwest corner. Alta Vista hospital [Hudson Towers.]