Building, S.W. 26th St. & Fifth Ave.
"Everett House". [The Everett House - N.W. Corner of Fourth Ave. & 17th St.]
[Seventh Avenue -- Northeast Corner of 21st Street.]
Madison Ave. and 26th Street [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Fifth Avenue and 26th Street.
Broadway and 26th Street [Broadway & 26th Street to Broadway & 42nd Street]
5th Ave. and 24th St. N.Y. [Fifth Avenue Looking North from Delmonico's Restaurant.]
1 East 74th St. and 5th Ave.
[House of John Jacob Astor, Northeast Corner of Fifth Avenue and 65th Street.]
800 5th Ave. 61st St.
[Lyceum Theatre, Fourth Ave. Bet. 23rd & 24th Sts., 1896.]
View 1905 Northeast from 7th Ave. & 42nd St.
Buildings, S.E. Corner of Broadway & 96th St.
Church, St. Bartholomew's, Mad. Ave. & 44th St.
John D. Rockefeller. [West 54th St. West from 5th Ave.]
852 Fifth Ave. & 66th St. [The Residence of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer.]
[The C. T. Yerkes Residence on the Southeast Corner of 5th Ave. and 68th St.]
Fifth Ave. from Below 44th St.