29 and 33 West 67th Street. 67th Street Studios.
1978 Broadway at the S.E. corner of West 67th Street. R. Simpson and Co. Building.
50 West 67th Street. Exterior.
140-142 West 67th Street. Tenement.
48 East 67th Street, general exterior.
34 East 67th Street. General exterior.
71-75 Central Park West at the corner of West 67th Street. Chatham Court Apartment House.
[115 East 67th Street.]
60 East 67th Street. Apartment building. Artist rendering
[115 East 67th Street. Garden from 67th Street through arches.]
107 East 67th Street. Francis Floyd house.
[28 West 67th Street]
48 and 50 East 67th Street. General exterior.
22 East 67th Street. R. Fulton Cutting house.
Buildings, Studio Hotel Apartments, 2 W. 67th St.
36-38-40 West 67th Street. General exterior.
52 East 67th Street. P.P. Field house.
149 East 67th Street. New York Neurological Institute.