[Astor House.]
[Broadway North from Vesey St.]
Bway Bet. 28th and 29th Sts., N.Y. [Broadway -- North from Below 29th St.]
B'way and 39th St. N.Y. [Broadway North from 21st St.]
Skyline of N.Y.
South End of Bway [Battery Place West of Broadway]
Park Row, N.Y. City.
Blizzard-99 [Union Square, West Looking North from Just Above 14th St.]
Street Scenes, Broadway, Looking North from Below Great Jones Street.
Traffic on Hudson St. N.Y. [Hudson Street Looking North from Worth Street.]
Looking N.W. from 34th St. N.Y. [Broadway, Herald Square.]
City Hall Park looking North N.Y. [Broadway -- Mail Street].
Broadway looking South, N. Y. City.
[Woolworth Building and Municipal Building under construction.]