Some Pumpkins.
American Superiority at the World's Great Fair
Great Exhibition, 1851
This Man Forgot to Shut the Door!
The Horse for the Money.
Misery. Happiness.
To Avoid a Smash We Sell for Cash.
The Great Republican Reform Party
The Great Exhibition of 1860.
This Man Was Talked to Death.
No Tick Here.
Poor Trust is Dead
The Bottom Out
Redemption. Repudiation.
The New-York Elephant
Letter from Anne Charlotte McAdam to Edward Floyd De Lancey, July 22, 1851
New-York Tricks Upon Country Dealers. The New-York Watch Stuffer
The Great International Boat Race Aug. 27th 1869
[Page from "The Comic Monthly".]
Sprague's Trip to the Mountains in Sept 1814