Portrait, Mrs. F.W. Dalziel, Mr. B. Nicoll, and Others Named.
[Hyde Ball, James Hazen Hyde and Mrs. Joseph Early Widener (Countess de Rougemont).]
Social Functions, James Hazen Hyde Ball.
Social Functions. Ball Given by James Hazen Hyde 1/31/05 Sherry's - Fifth Ave. S.W. Cor. 44th St.
Portrait, Mr. Munzig (Society Portrait Painter) Hyde Ball.
Portrait, Mrs. F.J. Dalzal.
Portrait, Mr. Frederick Weeks.
Portrait, Mr. & Mrs. William Loew.
Portrait, Mrs. John Alexandre and Mr.[?] at Hyde Ball.
Portrait, Mrs. Judge F.A. Pendleton.
Portrait, Mrs. George Gould.
Portrait, Mr. Whitney Warren, Mrs. Whitney Warren, Miss Whitney Warren.
Portrait, Mr. Ralph Pulitzer, Mr. Frank Hoppin and etc.
Portrait, Mrs. John Alexandre and Mr. [?] at Hyde Ball.