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Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsal.

Theatrical, Rehearsal.

Theatrical, Rehearsal.

Theatrical, Rehearsal.

Theatrical, Rehearsal.

Theatrical, Rehearsal.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Theatrical, Rehearsal, Frank Hatch (Producer).

Theatrical, Rehearsal, Frank Hatch (Producer).

Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.

Accession number 
Unique identifier MNY6351 
Description A rehearsal for an unidentified play in a room of an unidentified theater. 
Dated ca. 1902 
Object Type photograph
Inscription / technical details "Henry W. Savage [ ] Vocal [ ]" on neg. 
Physical dimensions width: 14 in
height: 11 in 
File dimensions 20.5 in × 16.0 in at 300dpi
52.1 cm × 40.7 cm at 300dpi 

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