[Broadway between 28th and 29th Street.]
Broadway and 28th Street.
[Baudoine Building, Broadway at 28th Street.]
[Broadway at 28th Street, Baudouine Building.]
Street Scenes, Broadway & 28th Street.
76 Madison Avenue at the S.W. corner of East 28th Street. Blum and Koch Building.
Broadway, Between 27th and 28th Streets.
National Cash Register Co., Groups, Broadway & 28th Street.
826-828 Broadway at the corner of 12th Street. Mercantile Building.
Broadway at the corner of 19th Street. W. & J. Sloane Building.
255-57 5th Avenue at 28th Street. Store building.
[Gym in the 28th Street public baths.]
245 5th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 28th Street. General exterior.
Broadway at the S.E. corner of 56th Street. The Rockingham.
Broadway at the corner of West 56th Street. Broadway Tabernacle.
Fifth Avenue and 28th-29th Street.