N.Y. Public Schools.
Playground & Gym, Public School.
Playground & Gym, Public school.
[St. Augustine's Parochial School, Larchmont, N.Y., Library.]
Education, N.Y. Cooking School, Ladies' Bible Class.
[St. Augustine's Parochial School, Larchmont, N.Y., Kindergarten.]
[St. Augustine's Parochial School, Larchmont, N.Y., Cafeteria.]
[St. Augustine's Parochial School, Larchmont, N.Y., Auditurium.]
[St. Veronica School N.Y.]
[St. Augustine's Parochial School, Larchmont, N.Y.]
Education, N.Y. Cooking School, Nurses' Course.
Education, N.Y. Cooking School, Men's Class.
[St. Augustine's Parochial School, Larchmont, N.Y., Doctor and Nurse's Room.]
Roof playground on a Public School.
[St. Augustine's Parochial School, Larchmont, N.Y., Kitchen.]
Pianos, N.Y. Piano Conservatory & School of Affiliated Arts, Large Studio.
Pianos, N.Y. Piano Conservatory & School of Affiliated Arts, Small Studio.