[Fifth Avenue, north from 118th Street.]
[133 East 118th Street]
[152 East 118th Street]
[51-53 East 118th Street]
[130 East 118th Street]
Changing New York [Lexington Avenue and 118th Street.]
[502 East 118th Street]
Bell Tower, Mt. Morris Park, 122nd Street, N.Y. City.
Curfew Bell and Tower, Mt. Morris Park, NEW YORK.
Mount Morris Park, (looking S.W.), N.Y. City.
Old Fire Tower, Mt. Morris Park, N.Y. City.
New York Streets--Fifth Avenue
40 Morningside Avenue at 118th Street. Apartments.
Bell Tower, Mt. Morris Park, New York City.
5th Avenue and 117th Street
[House near Mount Morris Park.]