Marion Avenue and 187th Street. P.S. 85.
P.S. 107. Seward & Croes Aves. Bronx. New York
P.S. #49. William J. Gaynor High School. Graham Ave & Scholes St. Brooklyn, N.Y.
P.S. #49. William J. Gaynor High School. Graham Ave. & Scholes St. Brooklyn, N.Y.
P.S. 107. Seward & Croes Aves. Bronx. New York. Looking Into Entrance Lobby From Main Entrance
The New Idea: a Stairway of Public School No. 170.
1067 Ocean View Avenue, Brighton Beach. P.S. 225
P.S.122, Astoria 1982
[P.S. # 47.]
Veronica Place and Snyder Avenue. P.S. 246.
Dean Street and Nostrand Avenue. P.S. 178.
[P.S. 6 on East Tremont Avenue.]
Neptune Avenue and West 24th Street. P.S. 239.
191 Park Place near Flatbush Avenue. P.S. 191.
124 East 112th Street. P. S. 101, Kato stone figure