"The Hoe" Printing Press, Machine & Saw Manufactory
The "Hoe" Printing Press, Machine & Saw Manufactory.
Elm Street [Collect Pond to Fulton Street]
W. D. Wilson & Co. Printing Ink Factory, West Avenue, Long Island City
Gould Eberhardt Foundry, Newark, New Jersey.
North Interior View of the New York Post Office
Novelty Iron Works
New-York Fire-Brick Manufactory
South Interior View of the New York Post Office.
Etna Iron Works. John Roach & Son, Office 330 Rivington St.
John H. Mead
[Umbrella and Parasol Manufactory.]
Fancy & Windsor Chair Manufactory, Wholesale & Retail
Casting bronze door in foundry.
Green Street. Roman Bronze Works, new foundry, interior.
Am. Type Foundry Co.
Quintard Iron Works, New York
New York & New Orleans Steamship Cos. Mail Steamers Black Warrior, Cahawba, De Soto, Bienville
Printed with Wade's Letter-Press Inks, Manufactured by H.D. Wade & Co.
City Residence of Mr. Daniel Parish, New York.