Athletic meets in Crotona Park.
Vacation play grounds - 1901. Crotona Park.
Vacation Play-Grounds - 1901, Crotona Park.
Vacation Play Grounds, 1901, Public School 177.
Dumbell excercise in play yard -- public school at Monroe and Market Streets.
Public School 105 in Manhattan at the vacation playgrounds in Bronx-Park. August 19th 1902.
Public School 105 from Manhattan at the vacation playgrounds in Bronx-Park. August 19th 1902.
Vacation Playground, 66th Street and 1st Avenue, Manhattan. August 26th 1902.
Public School 105 from Manhattam in the vacation playground in Bronx-Park. August 19th 1902.
The Fellows and Papa and Mama shall be invited in yet.
Heading off the Gang. Vacation playground near Old Frog Hollow.