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Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College.

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College.

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "Dippidrome."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "Dippidrome."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "Dippidrome."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "Dippidrome."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "Dippidrome."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "Dippidrome."

Plays (Amateur), Barnard College, "The Junior Show."

Accession number 
Unique identifier MNY22197 
Dated December 1905 
Inscription / technical details "Barnard College, Dec. 1905" on neg. 
Physical dimensions width: 10 in
height: 8 in 
File dimensions 20.7 in × 16.1 in at 300dpi
52.6 cm × 41.0 cm at 300dpi 

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