346 Park Avenue South. Provident Loan Society of New York
East 148th Street and Courtlandt Avenue. Provident Loan Society of New York.
[122-124 East 25th Street.]
Lexington Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets. 69th Regiment Armory building.
736 7th Avenue. Provident Loan Society of New York.
Provident Loan Society Bldg. Lexington Ave & 124th St.
736 7th Avenue. Provident Loan Society of New York, general interior.
[Buildings, Loan Building, 437 Lexington Avenue.]
Provident Loan Society. Brownsville Branch interior.
Buildings, Loan Building, 437 Lexington Avenue.
Three-fifty two 4th Av. at 25th St.
339 East 25th Street
4th Avenue at the S.W. corner of 25th Street. Milbank Buiding.
East 22nd Street between Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue. View looking west
Madison Avenue between East 24th and East 25th Street. Metropolitan Life Insurance Building