Frederick Douglass.
play button
The Great Bartholdi Statue, Liberty Enlightening the World.
play button
The Great East River Suspension Bridge.
play button
play button
Winter Sports - Pickerel Fishing.
play button
The Death of "Stonewall" Jackson.
play button
Blackberry Dell
play button
Sunnyside - On the Hudson.
play button
Burning of the New York Crystal Palace
play button
Central Park, the Lake.
play button
View Near Highbridge.
play button
Lieut. Genl. U. S. Grant.
play button
Hunting in the Northern Woods.
play button
Wild Duck Shooting.
play button
Brigham Young
play button
Art Gallery.
play button
Watkins Glen. New York.
play button
City of New York and Environs.
play button
Night by the Camp - Fire.
play button
The Express Train.
play button
Washington Taking Command of the American Army.
play button
The Great Bartholdi Statue, Liberty Enlightening the World.
play button
Lake George N.Y.
play button
The Narrows. New York Bay.
play button
The Magnificent Steamship "City of New York" of the Inman Line.
play button
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